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- ++ Wiki Pad Hooks
- Under the wikidPad install directory:
- file:///C|/Program%20Files/WikidPad by default
- There is a directory called "extensions". In this folder there is a
- file called "wikidpadhooks.py". If you know Python you can extend
- wikidPad by hooking into the events sent to the methods defined
- in this file. For example, you could integrate wikidPad with cvs
- by plugging into the onopen, onsave, ondelete, onrename events.
- file:///C|/Program%20Files/WikidPad/extensions/WikidPadHooks.py
- file:///C|/Program%20Files/WikidPad/user_extensions/WikidPadHooks.py
- ++ API Documentation
- The first argument to each hook function is wikidPad itself. Here are
- the available methods on the wikidPad object.
- *wikidPad functions*
- newWiki(wikiName, wikiDir)
- create a new wiki
- openWiki(wikiConfigFile, wikiWordToOpen)
- open a wiki, and optionally a page in that wiki.
- saveCurrentWikiState()
- Write any changes to the wiki to disk.
- openWikiPage(wikiWord)
- Open a specific wiki word.
- findCurrentWordInTree()
- Select the currently open page in the tree control.
- viewParents(word)
- Pop up the dialog that shows the parents of the node passed in.
- viewChildren()
- Pop up the dialog that shows the children of the node passed in.
- addToHistory(word)
- Add the word passed in to the history.
- goInHistory(positionDelta)
- Go back or forward in history by the amount passed in.
- goBackInHistory()
- Go back in history one position.
- goForwardInHistory()
- Go forward in history one position.
- viewHistory()
- Show the history dialog.
- viewBookmarks()
- Show the bookmarks dialog.
- saveCurrentWikiPage()
- Save the current wiki page to disk.
- showWikiWordOpenDialog()
- showWikiWordRenameDialog()
- showWikiWordRenameConfirmDialog()
- showSearchDialog()
- showSavedSearchesDialog()
- showWikiWordDeleteDialog()
- showFindReplaceDialog()
- displayMessage(title, msg)
- Popup a dialog with the message passed in.
- displayErrorMessage(errorStr, exception)
- Popup an exception dialog.
- *wikidPad.variables*
- globalConfigDir
- The directory of the wikidPad.config file.
- globalConfigLoc
- The wikidpad.config file.
- globalConfig
- The parsed wikidpad.config file.
- wikiAppDir
- The installation directory of wikidPad.
- wikiPadHelp
- The location of the help wiki.
- config
- The parsed configuration of the opened wiki.
- wikiName
- The name of the currently opened wiki.
- dataDir
- The data directory of the currently opened wiki.
- wikiData
- The database object for the currently open wiki. More on this below.
- tree
- The tree control on the left. The is a wxTreeCtrl. More on this below.
- currentWikiWord
- The currently open wiki word.
- currentWikiPage
- The data for the currently open wiki word. More on this below.
- editor
- The text editor for wikidPad. This is a wxStyledTextCtrl. More on this below.
- *wikiData - The wiki database interface*
- getPage(wikiWord, itemsToLoad)
- Get the data for a wiki word. Pass in an array of strings for the items to load.
- Valid items are: info, parents, children, props, todos.
- For performance you specify which items should be loaded from the db. If you only
- need info and children call:
- getPage(word, ["info", "children"])
- More on the return value of this function below.
- getChildRelationships(wikiWord)
- Returns array of the words that are children of the word passed in.
- getParentRelationships(wikiWord)
- Returns array of the words that are parents of the word passed in.
- getAllWords()
- Get all of the wiki words in the wiki.
- getAllAliases()
- Get all of the aliases in the wiki.
- getAllRelations()
- Get all of the relationships in the wiki. Returns array of tuples, (word, relatedTo).
- getWikiWordsStartingWith(string)
- getWikiWordsWith(string)
- getWikiWordsModifiedWithin(days)
- getParentLessWords()
- renameWord(word, toWord)
- Rename a wiki word.
- deleteWord(word)
- Delete a wiki word.
- getWordsWithPropertyValue(key, value)
- Get all of the wiki words with a certain property value. For example
- getWordsWithPropertyValue("icon", "pin") would get all of the wiki
- words with "icon" set to "pin".
- findBestPathFromWordToWord(word, toWord)
- Returns the shortest path in the wiki from "word" to "toWord". Returned
- as an array of wiki words.
- search(forPattern)
- Search the entire wiki using a regex.
- *wikiPage object*
- wikiWord
- The word.
- wikiFile
- The file that contains the data for this page.
- parentRelations
- Array of the parents words for this node.
- childRelations
- Array of the child words for this node.
- todos
- Array of todos
- props
- Hashtable of properties for the node.
- getContent()
- Get the string content for the node.
- save()
- Save the changes to this page to disk.
- *tree control*
- collapse()
- collapse the tree.
- buildTreeForWord(wikiword)
- Open the tree control to the wiki word passed in.
- *text control*
- setWrap(onOrOffBoolean)
- Set the wrap mode to on/off.
- SetText()
- Set the text of the control.
- snip()
- Copy the currently selected text to the ScratchPad.
- startIncrementalSearch(searchStr)
- Set the search mode to incremental.
- endIncrementalSearch()
- Stop incremental search.
- executeSearch(searchStr, searchStartPos=-1)
- Execute a search of the text in the control.
- getWikiWordText(position)
- If position is in a wiki word return that word.
- getWikiWordBeginEnd(position)
- If position is in a wiki word return the start/end positions of the word.
- isPositionInWikiWord(position)
- Is the position in a wiki word?
- isPositionInLink(position)
- Is the position in a URL link?
- See the wxWindows/wxPython documentation for info about the wxTreeCtrl and wxStyledTextCtrl.